308: Science Mike (Mike McHargue)

In this episode Bart talks (a lot) with new pal Mike McHargue, aka Science Mike, whose two podcasts, Ask Science Mike and The Liturgists (with Michael Gungor) are HUGE among the still-kinda-Christian-but-with-lots-of-questions crowd.  We don’t normally post anything this long, but so many of Science Mike’s listeners told him this was their favorite episode of all time that we couldn’t resist seeing if our Humanizers would like it too.

You can find Science Mike at his website, as well as on Twitter @mikemchargue and @asksciencemike .

Leaving My Father’s Faith, the film about Bart and his father Tony, is now streaming on Vimeo and Amazon Prime. Check it out here.


By | 2022-08-10T03:43:05+00:00 April 3rd, 2018|Podcast|

About the Author:

Bart Campolo is a secular minister, speaker, and writer who is the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Cincinnati.