Humanize Me Podcast 2019-06-14T00:37:57+00:00

Humanize Me

with Bart Campolo

A weekly podcast about building great relationships, cultivating wonder, and making things better for other people. Hosted by veteran community-builder Bart Campolo, Humanize Me features friendly, thoughtful conversations with a wide array of scientists, activists, artists and oddballs.

Have a question you’d like us to answer on a future episode? Call the Humanize Me ‘Q Line’ at .

An simple index of episodes can be found here.

Humanize Me is a production of Jux Media.

806, 2017

Like Bart, Drew Bekius is a former Christian minister who stopped believing and left the faith he held for so long. In this episode, Bart and Drew talk about their journey, the view on the other side of faith, the plight of unbelieving clergy, compassion for those in that position and what they’re both doing now that they’re no longer evangelical pastors.

Drew’s website can be found at Bart can be reached at


206, 2017

Ex-Mormons. Ex-Scientologists. Ex-Jehovah Witnesses. Ex-Evangelicals. They were all there at sunset at Morris Bird’s bi-annual gathering on the beach, cooking ribs and meeting each other. Some had travelled for hours to get there, desperate for community with those like them.

On this episode, Bart chats with Morris about such communities for the benefit of any of you who may be interested in doing something like this yourselves. Email Morris at if you’d like to get in touch. Email Bart at


1705, 2017

What kind of sex are Americans having? Will the Americans of the future have different sexual values than Americans of the past? What should our sexual values be, anyhow?

Lisa Wade is a world expert – maybe the world expert – on hookup culture among U.S. college students. Her book, American Hookup, details her research into a culture that a growing number of people worry about, a topic which Bart and Lisa discuss candidly in this episode of Bart’s podcast.

Lisa’s website can be found at The interview she did with Hidden Brain is HERE. Discuss this episode at a private Facebook group HERE!


2804, 2017

Hank Green is a digital creator and content producer with popular YouTube channels such as Vlogbrothers and Crash Course. He reached out to Bart with some interesting thoughts about the digital age and humanism, leading to this podcast in which the two explore things like:

  • Shared values and what helps people flourish
  • Hank’s approach to productivity
  • Bart’s technophobia
  • The challenges of how to incorporate the internet into our lives healthfully

Hank’s website is at Watch Vlogbrothers HERE. Contact Bart HERE.

For more on the documentary about Bart and his dad Tony, look at[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


1404, 2017

In the second podcast intended to help those who want to start their own local secular community, Bart warns against manifestos, vision statements, lists of values and other formalized statements of belief for emerging secular groups.

At the end, we hear a story from Rick Johnston, whose website can be found at This episode is brought to you by the Humanize Me private Facebook group.


704, 2017

Is society going to suffer a collapse from unsustainability worse than the Great Depression sometime in the not-too-distant future? Both Bart and his guest for this episode, self-described ‘apocaloptimist’ Michael Dowd, think so.

Michael is an author and speaker who spends a lot of time thinking about the future, and although he’s a Reverend from the Christian tradition, his website says, “Reality is my God. Evidence is my scripture. Big History is my creation story. Ecology is my theology. Integrity is my salvation. Ensuring a healthy future is my mission.”

So, what’s the best way to think about the future of humanity? Listen to the episode for a wide-ranging chat on that. Michael’s website is at


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