Humanize Me 107: The Good Death

It sounds like an oxymoron, right? But Ann Neumann’s amazing book attempts to address the question of what a ‘good’ death may look like, and it stems right from her own experiences. It’s an American story, and a rich one, and it’s totally relevant to the mission Bart Campolo has to cultivate the best life – including its ending – that we can figure out how to live.

Here are some of the subjects that come up in this episode:

  • How our end of life culture and systems are in need of a serious rethink
  • What Ann’s takeaways about death are, after spending time with the dying
  • What comforts people who are afraid of death?
  • Why people often finally die when their loved ones step away from them
  • The role of religion
  • Can psychedelics help us gain perspective about death?
  • Ann’s take on running toward what scares you

Ann’s book can be found HERE.


By | 2022-08-10T16:10:51+00:00 April 26th, 2016|Podcast|

About the Author:

Bart Campolo is a secular community builder, counselor and writer who currently serves as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Cincinnati. Listen to his podcast HERE!