318: How to do a platonic coffee date

Bart answers a question from a listener called Erin, who called our ‘Q Line’ to ask how to start to make new connections with people:

“How do I talk to people at the beginning of something new? Say I meet someone and I want to be friends with them or there’s someone I haven’t seen in a long time and they’ve come home for a visit or something, how do I make the next move? What are the steps to setting up a platonic date?”

Bart took off running, saying that it’s one of his favorite questions to be asked and drawing from his own experiences with college students to give a pretty comprehensive primer on how to talk to people, connect, and get to the next level with them.

Takeaways: Do it over food or drink; be clear about your intentions; as the initiator, take the lead; double down on curiosity and ask thoughtful questions; affirm people and be in a ‘giving’ mode; don’t be afraid to go deep; don’t be afraid of prep ahead of time and evaluation afterwards; be engaged as an active listener; communicate that you notice them.


By | 2022-08-10T03:41:18+00:00 July 19th, 2018|Podcast|

About the Author:

Bart Campolo is a secular community builder, counselor and writer who currently serves as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Cincinnati. Listen to his podcast HERE!