521: Christian culture, authenticity and Mega, with Holly Laurent and Greg Hess

Mega is an improvised satire from the staff of a fictional mega church, hosted by Holly Laurent and Greg Hess.

In this conversation with Bart Campolo, Holly and Greg talk about satirizing American Christianity, what makes it funny, and the mental gymnastics it takes to twist Jesus into a capitalist. But it doesn’t take long before they’re also talking – very personally – about being haunted by the evangelicalism of childhood, how to live authentically, recovery from trauma, undoing some of the Christian cultural lessons about sexuality after you’re married, marriage itself and more.

Listen to the Mega podcast HERE, or wherever you get your podcasts.


By | 2022-08-10T03:23:53+00:00 August 26th, 2020|Podcast|

About the Author:

Bart Campolo is a secular community builder, counselor and writer who currently serves as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Cincinnati. Listen to his podcast HERE!