Humanize Me 120: What is a Reducetarian? with Brian Kateman

Bart chats with Brian Kateman of the Reducetarian Foundation about his mission to help reduce our meat consumption by encouraging people to simply eat less meat. This exciting new movement is composed of individuals who have committed to eating less red meat, poultry, and seafood, whatever the degree or the motivation. Not everyone is willing to completely eliminate animal products from their diet, so it’s an appealing idea and Bart finds much common cause during this conversation.

Included in this episode:

  • Effective Altruism and how to maximize the efficiency of your philanthropic work
  • How Brian discovered explanations outside of religious ones, and became secular
  • Some of the reasons people engage in the ‘reducetarian’ idea, and what the movement is about
  • The similarities between reducetarianism with respect to eating meat and humanism with respect to religious belief
  • Why the reducetarian movement is based on what works, rather than more abstract ideas
  • How people can get involved

Visit for a great intro to the movement. Order Brian’s book, the Reducetarian Solution, HERE. Let Bart know what you think of this HERE. Rate us on iTunes please! Thanks and enjoy.


By | 2022-08-10T16:07:59+00:00 August 30th, 2016|Podcast|

About the Author:

Bart Campolo is a secular community builder, counselor and writer who currently serves as the Humanist Chaplain at the University of Cincinnati. Listen to his podcast HERE!