Bart’s Book List (Part 2)
Here’s the second half (or a little more than half) of my reading list, and please check out our accompanying in-depth bonus podcast episode over on Patreon, just for podcast insiders, partners and supporters!
Here are the books we talk about in the bonus episode:
- Reclaiming Conversation – Sherry Turkle
- Mating in Captivity – Esther Perel
- The Art of Loving – Erich Fromm
- Dancing in the Streets – Barbara Ehrenreich
- The True Believer – Eric Hoffer
- The Beginning of Infinity – David Deutsch
- Guns Germs and Steel – Jared Diamond
- Tuesdays With Morrie – Mitch Albom
- Good to Great – Jim Collins
- The Believing Brain – Michael Shermer
Want to hear about these books, why I chose them, why I love them and recommend them? Head over to Patreon HERE, where for as little as a buck a month you can support the podcast and get bonus content for it.