Humanize Me Podcast 2019-06-14T00:37:57+00:00

Humanize Me

with Bart Campolo

A weekly podcast about building great relationships, cultivating wonder, and making things better for other people. Hosted by veteran community-builder Bart Campolo, Humanize Me features friendly, thoughtful conversations with a wide array of scientists, activists, artists and oddballs.

Have a question you’d like us to answer on a future episode? Call the Humanize Me ‘Q Line’ at .

An simple index of episodes can be found here.

Humanize Me is a production of Jux Media.

1403, 2016

Two secular community leaders chat about what they do during an average day in this fourth episode of the Humanize Me podcast. Ryan Bell and Bart Campolo exchange stories about conversations with people who have found that they don’t believe in God but still want to connect with the world and others in a meaningful way. It’s ‘talking shop’ about an emerging field for which there isn’t a road map!

Some of the big topics in the episode include:

    • How do you give of yourself to others without running out of fuel?
    • How much responsibility do you have for the lives of others you care for?
    • The cost of being secular and the opportunity that comes with it to give hope and help to others
    • How Ryan found that nihilism led to immediacy and mindfulness after a while
    • BONUS: Life is not a journey, it’s a dance!

Check out Ryan’s great podcast and the rest of his Life After God project.



2902, 2016

So you can no longer believe in God, no matter how hard you try, and you’re attempting to figure out how to – or even if you should – tell your parents. What do you do when some of your basic beliefs have shifted? How do you assure your loved ones that you continue to hold good values, and you still stand for something positive and worthwhile?

This is an increasingly common question, it turns out, and it’s something I have a little experience with myself! In fact, if you’d like to know more about my own ‘deconversion’ talk with my dad Tony, an upcoming documentary film will let you in on the conversation between us. CLICK HERE for some information on the film and a way to leave your email if you’d like to see it when it’s finished.

In this new episode of the Humanize Me podcast, my own son Roman and I attempt to answer a question from a 34-year old woman who has discovered that leaving faith behind isn’t always very easy, and telling your parents you’re no longer a Christian can be one of the hardest parts of re-defining yourself. Press play above to hear the episode, and share it with your friends who you think could benefit from hearing it.

Feel free to WRITE ME with any of your own questions or comments too! We’d love to hear from you.


1502, 2016

Scott Wiltermuth used to work in the airline industry as a strategy consultant, which led him to start researching cool stuff like how socio-environmental factors affect people’s reactions to unethical behavior and their likelihood of behaving unethically themselves, and how interpersonal dynamics like synchrony and dominance affect our ability to cooperate and build community.

We had a great, rambling conversation in a big empty room at USC, during which I committed myself to being a better person, or at least to coming up with a story that makes me feel that way. Anyway, check it out and let me know what you get out of it. Remember, you’re part of this thing!



102, 2016

So I’d envisioned this big buildup to dropping the first episode of my new podcast, Humanize Me!, when I heard a Hillary Clinton soundbite about underpromising and overdelivering, and thought to myself, ‘Self, that’s the way to go here.’ Anyway, here’s my intro podcast with some more info about the direction I want to go this year. As you’ll hear, I hope we can use the podcasting format to build a new community of people like you. So please listen, and subscribe inside your favorite podcast app to get new episodes automatically every two weeks!


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